Sunday, December 2, 2012

Medigap Insurance - Using a Broker to Find the Best Medigap Insurance

Many elderly and disabled persons use Medicare to handle their medical costs. Medicare was designed by the government and signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, as a health care system designed to care for the elderly and disabled in the United States. Since its inception, it has always had portions of the plan, which left gaps of coverage for those who are ill or have other issues. This has led to supplement insurance plans being offered which are what are also called Texas Medigap Insurance plans.

These plans have recently been changed or what they call modernized, and now must comply with one of ten formulas that the government has set up. These plans were designed to regulate what is being offered to the elderly and disabled so that they can no longer be taken advantage of by disreputable insurance companies or agents. This type of Texas Medigap insurance can be a tremendous benefit. Unfortunately, it is also a confusing one. In order to make sure that all types of situation are covered, there were ten plans designed. It can be difficult to understand one plan, trying to figure out ten can be overwhelming for some. Yet, in order to find the plan that will work the best in a given set of circumstances, one must know all the options. It should also be known that just like before the plans were modernized Plan F is still far and away the most popular choice.

There is much information on the various plans that has been written. Much of it is available on the internet and through pamphlets and brochures. For some this can be a great way to understand the types of Texas Medigap insurance. However, for some it can be of little use. In some cases, it can be difficult to understand what plan will be of the best benefit in a given situation and one may need to speak to a professional who has a vast knowledge on the subject.

There are many who can be of assistance to a person who is trying to find Texas Medigap insurance. When you are looking for such a professional, it is important to make sure that they have a good working knowledge of these plans and their requirements. A broker who has been trained in the particulars of health insurance, especially as it pertains to Medicare can be an ideal candidate. Regardless of where you live, be in Dallas, Austin or some other area of our state you can find one, not only can they help in determining what type of plan will work the best for you, but they can also help you find the best price for it.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

How Professional Liability Insurance Can Be of Help

You might have heard of all sorts of insurance, from health, life, car, financial, and what not. They come in very handy in cases where untoward or unwanted events occur such as sickness, untimely death, damage to vehicle due to accident, business slow down among many others. But there is another kind of insurance directed specifically to various professionals called "Professional Liability Insurance".

It is otherwise known as E&O insurance, or the errors and omissions insurance and is entirely different from a general liability insurance that offers only limited coverage. There are cases where claimants can make it appear that you have become negligent even though in reality you did not, it could cost you a big sum of money. What the professional liability insurance does is it protects you against a claim due to negligence in advising or performing a specific type of service.

Some of the most common professionals that can take benefit from this kind of insurance policy are teachers, nurses, contractors, consultants, web designers, and all other professions who are into giving advice or rendering professional services.

For example, a patient who felt like the care provided by the nurse is substandard or lacking and didn't even like the services given may want to sue the nurse in question. For consultants, an advice deemed to be a bad one, especially if it causes great losses in terms of finances to a firm or an individual may bring the issue to court and demand for reimbursement.

Nothing is foolproof when it comes to human errors. And should you make any mistake that is seriously costly, having professional liability insurance should help cover the funding for the costs incurred if ever the litigation battle has been lost. So basically, it is also a way of securing yourself and your business' future in terms of financial stability.

It contributes to peace of mind knowing that you are well covered for any possible litigation against you for any costly error that may occur while rendering professional services. Plus the fact that it is always better to be prepared than not with all the surprises that life has to offer.

Lastly, when choosing an insurance provider, make sure that you did get the chance to check out others so you can compare prices and their offerings. Paying a little extra for better coverage is always a smart move than compromising your insurance by settling with cheaper ones with non-solid provisions just to cut down on costs.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   

Wedding Insurance Is A Solution Of Your Problems

In our material world, every problem is born with a solution. It is up to your aptitude and management how you solve it. It would not be incorrect to say that our life is like a mathematical equation that we need to solve. We are the most sophisticated creation of the God from every aspect. This is so because we are gifted with innumerable physical and psychological powers and abilities. Though physically we are weaker than the supernatural creature but this fragility is actually our real beauty.

We are a weak and immortal creature, that is why we make relations like marital relation, which create more relationships. That is how the chain of the humankind goes on and on. A marital bond is created on the day of wedding, which is why the wedding day is very significant for everyone. The wedding day is one of the most beautiful but uncertain times of your life because it brings a lot of unseen problems like a short of money, or an unexpected death of some relative, etc.

Such difficulties can be sorted out only by making a rational decision of buying a wedding insurance policy. The best policy is the one that satisfies all your needs and makes your day the perfect time of your life. It helps you to make the best use of available resources. It is very natural that you cannot afford the additional cost of the cancellation or reorganization.To avoid such unexpected cost, rational couples always take the suitable insurance policy.

There are some couples that do not deem insurance an essential part of their wedding planning, but they have to repent on it later.Remorse is useless once the mishap occurred. It is like a one way road that does not lead you back to the destination. So, to avoid regret you should plan your wedding day by taking a suitable insurance policy. In fact, by doing this, you involve an organization in your nuptial planning that shares all the responsibilities of your wedding day.

In addition, it does not only share the responsibility but also manage an occasion in the most appropriate manner. It supports you in all low points of time when you need money urgently. Thus it plays the role of a partner who lessens your burden by eliminating your nervousness in case of any mishap.

Today, people have started realizing the significance of the wedding insurance policy, which is a sign of a societal growth. This is so because the development of the societies depends on the propriety of their decision. The more the number of the correct decisions, the rapid will be the growth rate of the society. Put briefly, the solution of all possible problems on the wedding day is nothing but the best wedding insurance.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   

Buying a Critical Illness Insurance Plan Online

Critical illness insurance plan gives lump-sum cash benefit payment to a policyholder who has been diagnosed of a critical health condition. The cash payout can be used for medical treatment, daily expenses while away from work, payment for mortgage, and so on. It's a practical supplement for the regular health insurance.

Usually, it pays 100 percent of the maximum benefit of the plan for medical conditions such as heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, major organ transplant, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, kidney failure, blindness and deafness. For other conditions such as first coronary artery bypass surgery, first carcinoma in Situ or first coronary angioplasty, the insurance plan pays 25 percent of the maximum benefit amount.

If you're going to buy this type of insurance, one option would be to purchase online. This way, you can find the best value for your money. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Shop for insurance policies

Don't buy the first policy that you see in the market. Look around and compare critical illness insurance quotes thoroughly. This way, you can find which one will give you the most competitive rates. Of course, it's not enough that you compare the costs of the premium, you must also compare the coverage. It's not smart to buy the cheapest policy that hardly covers anything.

Look for a reputable insurance provider

Another thing that you must do is to look for a reputable insurance provider. It's imperative that you consider the reputation and background of the insurer before you buy the insurance. It's not a good idea to get just from any insurance provider online. You must remember that some insurers online are actually just phishing sites, or illegitimate companies posing as authentic and legitimate companies. You don't want anything to do with these unscrupulous people so you need to be very careful.

Read online reviews and testimonials

To ensure that you don't become a victim of unscrupulous insurers, you must read online reviews and testimonials. If possible, get in touch with the former clients so you know which one you should stay away from. If a company is bombarded with complaints, take your business elsewhere. It would also be a great idea to contact the Better Business Bureau to find out if there have been any complaints made against the company that you are eyeing for.

Study and understand terms and conditions

Before signing the dotted line, see to it that you study and understand the policy's coverage as well as the terms and conditions. If you're not confident that you've understood it well enough not to encounter any problems in the future, have another person who's reliable, trustworthy, and an expert on these things to check out the terms and conditions for you. Don't forget the fine print, as this contains important information that you simply cannot miss out.

Prepare the requirements for the insurance purchase

Once you've decided on the insurance policy to buy, work on to prepare the requirements for the purchase. These would include proof of income such as payment stubs, medical records, identification documents, and so on.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

Medicare Supplement Plans - Finding the Right Plan for All Your Needs

Finding the right Texas Medicare supplement plans can be a challenging task. Many companies now are offering many types of insurance plans that meet the requirements for this type of insurance. The problem comes in with knowing what you really need or are eligible for. In addition, you need to figure out what type of plan will be the most beneficial in your situation for the lowest cost. This by itself can be a bit overwhelming for many people.

Much of the confusion comes from the fact that there are only ten types of plans that may be issued for Texas Medicare supplement plans. They are all different in what they cover and how they affect the money that a person needs to spend. Some are designed for those who are using many expensive prescription drugs, while others are aimed to help people who have severe illnesses and are already in hospitals or may be entering one soon. Finally, some plans are designed to help those in good health who merely need to work to maintain it. Each plan is based on Medicare and the areas where it does not offer coverage or it is very limited. However, each of these is very different.

Determining which Texas Medicare supplement plans are right for you is further complicated by the rates that different insurance companies charge for the different types of plans. For one person a plan from United HealthCare might do the trick and for someone else Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas or Mutual of Omaha may work best. Some consumers find Texas Medicare Advantage Plans work while most other seniors will see that a traditional supplement plan give the most security. Also, prices can vary a great deal by zip code and this makes it difficult for a person to know if they are getting a good price or not. Most people do not have the time or desire to spend all the time that would be required to thoroughly investigate all the various insurance companies to determine who has the best rates for the plans they think they need.

In view of these issues, it may be wise in many cases for a person to contact someone who specializes in Texas Medicare supplement plans. They can eliminate much of the stress that goes along with trying to figure all these complex issues out. By letting them use their training and experience in this type of insurance to help you with your needs, you can be confident that your needs are being addressed and that they best solutions will be found. In most cases, a professional will meet with you, go over your needs and then set about obtaining quotations for you from various companies. They can then go over the results with you and help you decide what fits your needs and your wallet.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   

Medicare Supplement Plans, The Easy Way

So many of my clients have expressed their frustration and confusion when trying to sort through the masses of information around and about Medicare and Medicare Supplement Plans.

This article is not going to clear up all of that confusion. However you will find some very helpful information about accessing assistance in your quest for information and some hazards you will want to sidestep.

You do not have to "go it alone." There are many reputable insurance professionals that are ready and able to help you. How do you find a good one? Some questions you should ask to determine if you are dealing with one:

1)You will want to make sure that you are dealing with an independent agent or broker. This type of agent does not work for just one carrier. They are not limited to talking to you about just one company's options. The independent agent forms relationships with multiple carriers. This enables him/her to fit the solution to you rather than try to you into the limited options they have the ability to offer. There is the added worry that the agent will lose the connection with that one company and then no longer have the resources to provide service to you or your policy.

2)If your agent doesn't start out by finding out some key things about you and your lifestyle, he/she is just not doing a good job for you. Questions like: How much traveling to intend to do? How is your health? What is your budget? Are you comfortable with sharing some of the cost for your medical expenses or do you want total coverage? The answers to all of these questions are key if the agent is going to recommend the right plan for you.

3)Does the agent specialize in Medicare specifically? The world of insurance is extremely diverse. Look for an agent who specializes in Medicare. Someone who is up to date on the laws and the changes is going to be able to advise you. It is wise to avoid a "jack of all trades" when it comes to Medicare. There is a lot to know about any genre of insurance.You are better with someone focused on the segment that you are dealing with.

4)How long has the agent been in business? Each year thousands of people get into the insurance business. Each year the vast majority of those new agents leave the insurance business. Work with an agent who has established longevity in the industry and demonstrated a commitment to it. Avoid brand new agents. This will ensure that your agent will be there down the line for customer service.

5)Does the agent present the information in a way that is clear and understandable? This would seem almost too basic to mention, but it is key. A competent, caring agent should be able to clear up the confusion for you. If an agent does their job properly, you will feel confident that you understand your options and that you have made the right choice for your circumstances. Avoid agents that use "insurance speak" terms and phrases that only insurance people would know.

6)Ask yourself if it seems like the agent trying to help you or themselves. All insurance professionals are in business to make a living. It is the ethical insurance professionals who live by the fact that it is only by taking care of the customer, that you take care of yourself.

Help is available. Just take a deep breath, remember these points and you will find the right person to help you understand your Medicare and Medicare Supplement Plan options.

Let us help. Don't tackle medicare alone. For the latest information about Medicare or to compare medicare supplement plan options and rates in your area, call 888-347-5552 or visit

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   

Medicare Supplement or Medigap Plans: Ways to Find Coverage Without Losing Your Mind

Just a quick glance at a government manual about choosing a Medicare Supplement policy can be enough to send you to the doctor with a headache. That's not even including the additional information that is out there specifically about Medicare and the basic coverage that it affords. If you are interested in learning more about Medigap plans but are intimidated by the technical language or are unsure of where to begin your search, there are a few factors to take into consideration. With a methodical approach to researching your health care options, and a few professional tools to guide you, the process can be much simpler than you would think at first.

A great way to get started, before even turning to professional help or conducting specific research into the differences between Medigap plans, is to make a list of personal priorities that you have for health care. There are specific benefits to each plan that deserve to be looked at, but it can focus your search and keep you from losing your mind if you go into this search with a clear head and a laundry list of what it is that you want to ideally find in a policy.

With this in mind, it's then possible to start sorting through each Medigap policy by comparing them side by side. You could make your own chart according to the features that you are looking for in Medigap plans, or you could start off by looking at charts that have already been created. These are readily available online, either through independent medicare supplement consultants or through the federal Medicare website. Search engines can also be a useful tool.

Another good way to differentiate between each Medigap policy and maybe gain a wider perspective on the best coverage for your needs would be to ask for word of mouth recommendations. If everyone in your peer group is around the same age and is in need of similar health care, then it makes sense to figure out what Medigap plans are working for other people, or if they recommend turning to professional guidance for this. Because health care is such an important expense, its well worth the time and effort it takes to compare these policies and enlist the help of a qualified independent Medigap consultant.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

Supplemental Accident Insurance - Cash Paid To You

Insurance is not a subject that many people think of unless they are in a situation where they wish they either had it, or had more of it. Everyone is guilty of trying to cut corners, in order to have more money in the bank, but insurance should not be one of those things. Insurance should always be a priority in your budget, and in many cases it will save you much more than it cost.

Maybe you should sit down and think about your life, such as the hobbies and activities you are involved in, or possibly the type of job you have. Your lifestyle can play a big part is how much insurance you should carry. Are your children in sports, or do you have a dangerous job? These are questions that really need to be addressed. If you don't have enough money in the bank to live comfortably for six months, without a job, then you need to have insurance.

Of course, everyone should have health insurance because that is the main insurance protection for you and your family, but health insurance can still leave medical expenses behind for you to pay. If you, like some people, are already living paycheck to paycheck, then extra bills will only cause you more stress.

Many people who end up in the emergency room or hospital have had an accident. It doesn't matter how careful you are, accidents can, and will, happen. Sports related accidents for children are high on the list.

You should consider supplemental accident insurance because it doesn't matter if you get hurt on the job, or in your off time hours, you health insurance just will not cover it all. Even great benefits such as Workers Compensation only pay a percentage of your regular monthly salary.

Supplemental accident insurance can help fill in the gap where your other insurance stops. There will be deductibles, and co-insurance bills to pay, plus you may just need money for groceries. When you purchase supplemental accident insurance the cash benefits come to you, not to the medical provider. This is a big help when the paycheck is smaller due to being off work.

Don't wait until you are off work, wondering where you are going to get the money to feed your family or pay your bills. Find a supplemental accident insurance policy that fits your budget, and will give you the extra protection you need when accidents happen.

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Who Needs Medicare Supplemental Insurance, and Which Policy to Buy

Those who either have Medicare or know somebody who does are likely already aware of the fact that Medicare does not cover the costs of everything. In fact, it only covers about half of the costs associated with medical care, especially for people in their older years. Realizing that there are gaps in the coverage, the federal government released the medicare supplemental insurance policies. These policies are a hybrid between government aid and typical health insurance. Anybody who is unable to afford the copayments and uncovered costs of healthcare, and needs the extra coverage, should sign up for medicare supplemental insurance, which is also known as medigap.

There are a total of twelve different plans to choose from, labeled from A to L. The coverage that is offered by these plans is dictated by the federal government, but the policies themselves are sold by typical health insurance companies. What this means is that, while there is a difference between plan A and plan L, the plan A offered by one company is the exact same plan A offered by a different company.

Almost anybody who is on medicaid should get in touch with their local government office in order to determine which medicare supplemental insurance plan is right for them. Each plan is designed for a person with a different financial situation.

Once you have decided on a plan, you will need to find a company to supply a plan. Even though the plan is the same no matter which company provides it, the costs are different for each company. Obviously, you will want to find the plan that is least expensive. Even so, it is important to understand the way that the policy is paid for.

Some of the providers will charge based on your age at the time that you apply. Others will charge based on your age as you grow older. Finally, some of them are charged based on the community in which you live.

When looking at plans, the cheapest option up front is almost always the policy based on your attained age. This is misleading, however, because the costs rise as you grow older. This policy becomes the most expensive later on in life, when you most need an inexpensive policy.

Policies based on your age at application or on your location tend to be a better choice. The option that makes the most sense for you will depend on your age and your location.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

Senior Health - Affording Your Medications

One of the most common concerns that senior members of our society have are their medications. Specifically, they want to know how to manage the rising cost of senior health medications on a fixed income. This can certainly be a challenge in today's world where the price of medication can be prohibitively expensive. However, there are several things that you can do to make your medications more affordable. The first thing you should do when the doctor prescribes something to you is to ask if there is a generic form of the drug available. Generic drugs work just as well as their branded counterpart but are available at a much cheaper price.

If there is no generic form available or the doctor advises you against taking it for some reason, then you will want to see how much of the medication your senior health plan will pay. Medicare pays for a good chunk of the cost of medication to assist in making it affordable for people working with a fixed income. For those that do not qualify for Medicare, look into other health care assistance programs such as Medicaid. The program is primarily for low income patients and can certainly defray the cost of needed medicine.

Another option is to take advantage of the discount drug programs available at some retail stores that are designed to supplement senior health insurance plans. The pharmacies at Target and Wal-Mart have programs that offer deep discounts on certain medications. For example, Wal-Mart has a program where you only pay $4 for a 30 day supply of drugs and $10 for a 90 day supply. Of course the list is limited to a select few. But if your medication is on that list, this can easily save you hundreds of dollars each year. This is something worth calling your local Target or Wal-Mart for more information.

One way to get cheap medication that many people are looking into is purchasing them from online pharmacies. The most popular place to buy medicines is from Canadian pharmacies because the cost of medication is much cheaper in the northern country. Of course you want to do your own research on this especially since the U.S. government discourages people from buying from other countries. However, many online pharmacies based in the United States offer lower prices on medications because the cost of doing business online is so much cheaper. Health insurance premiums are expensive as is. So if your senior health plan doesn't offer much in the way of helping you pay for your medicine, then consider these options above to bring down the cost.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

Can Telemedicine Improve Medicare Supplement Insurance Care?

Telemedicine isn't for the space station, but it is designed to reach into communities where there's less access to specialists, like in rural areas. Imagine being able to talk to your doctor "face-to-face" without having to go to her office. That means no more hassles of getting wheelchairs in the van, or trying to find streets that have been cleared of snow in the winter to keep your doctor's appointment. If you're in a small town, it can also mean you won't have to journey across the state to see the closest specialist.

What does telemedicine offer you if you're eligible for Medicare? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has already proposed new policies to increase the use of telemedicine. Seniors and those with disabilities are among those most likely to benefit from the increasing use of technology-delivered medicine.

Mobility often becomes more challenging as we age, but with video conferencing, you can still "see" and talk with your doctor without risking a fall while traveling to a doctor's appointment. Even in rural areas with little access to specialists, Medicare and

Medicare Supplement plans can offer you more healthcare options.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Can Increase Access To Healthcare

You may have heard that our aging population is expected to put a greater demand on the existing healthcare system. With telemedicine, even towns that have trouble attracting specialists will be able to connect you with specialists in urban settings.

As Dr. Debra Lister of Douglas, Georgia explains, "It's so far for our people here to get to a specialist. Some of these people just can't travel - some of our elderly and poor people couldn't have made the trip. An awful lot of them would not have received care."

Thanks to telemedicine, Lister's clinic is typically able to connect patients through video conferencing with a specialist within two months. That's just about half the time it takes to get an in-person appointment with a specialist.

This new access makes Medigap Insurance even more valuable. You probably realize that Medicare doesn't pay for all of your healthcare costs. Medicare only pays for 80 percent of a pre-approved fee for doctor services. Medigap plans not only pick up the remaining 20 percent, but also help when specialists charge more than Medicare's pre-approved payment. With the right Medigap coverage, you could have access to the best specialists no matter how far away their practice is or how expensive their services are.

Telemedicine Offers A Bridge To Improved Care

At the University of Nebraska Medical Center, an interactive video system is bringing Dr. Thomas Magnuson face-to-face with his patients in nursing homes around the state. He can communicate with family members and the staff at the nursing homes in the same way. Magnuson, who's a psychiatrist, says, "We have a lot of isolated places. We just had a big patient population out there that wasn't being seen."

Magnuson uses video conferencing to see and hear his patients just as if he was in the room with them. This technology can link specialists from urban centers with rural doctors and their patients can get the care they need when they need it. Even more remarkable, technology is allowing surgeons to perform "long-distance" operations by using remote-controlled robots.

Many rural hospitals already have some form of telemedicine, but the growth of telemedicine technology is expected to continue. Just as telemedicine is bridging the distance between patients and specialists, Medicare Supplement Insurance is eliminating the financial barriers that have separated people from the healthcare they need.

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Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans and Medicare Part D

"I have a Medigap Plan to supplement my Medicare. Do I still need to enroll in a Part D plan?" If you have wondered this, you are not alone. Even if prescriptions aren't important to you now, there are reasons to enroll in a plan.

Of course we know that the chances of us needing some type of medication as we get up in years is great. If you wait until you need medication to enroll and don't join when you first receive your Medicare, you will most likely have to pay a penalty. The penalty assessed will be 1% of the of the Part D National Base Beneficiary Premium per month that you could have enrolled but didn't. This penalty is added to the premium of the Plan you choose. The National Base Beneficiary Premium is $32.34 for 2011. If you delay your Part D enrollment for 1 year, you will have a penalty of $3.88 on your monthly premium for whatever plan you choose. The penalty is permanent.

Medicare's drug program is called Medicare Part D. Part D is offered by private companies. These companies and the various prescription plans that they make available must be approved by Medicare.

All must cover certain drugs and meet certain coverage criteria to be approved. However the plans can vary greatly in terms of premium, co-pays and total out of pocket expenses. If you have original Medicare you can enroll in a stand alone Part D prescription plan along with your Medicare Supplement plan. Many Medicare Advantage plans include Medicare Part A, B and D coverage. There are some that only cover A and B and require a separate Part D.

In light of the fact that all of the plans are have different cost sharing, a key part of your strategy for keeping your health care cost to a minimum is a comparison of the plans available in your area. Your prescriptions are unique to you and the choice of your drug plan should be based on your drugs. You can get a detailed report comparing all of the plans in your area by visiting and using the Medicare Plan Finder. This nifty program will show you all of the plans and how they relate cost wise to your unique list of prescriptions. You will also see the quality rating for each plan.

There are limited times when you can sign up for Medicare Part D. For instance, you can sign up when you are turning 65. You have a seven month enrollment period. This is called your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). It begins 3 months before the month of your birthday, includes the month of your birthday and ends the last day of the third month after your birthday. There is also the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). During the AEP you can enroll in a Part D plan for the first time or change from one plan to another. There are also various Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) when you can enroll under certain circumstances, for instance if you are losing employer coverage you may qualify for an SEP.

The Part D plans change from year to year. Premiums change, formularies change, co-pays change and new plans come available. Why not make the most of the AEP each year by reviewing your drug coverage and making certain that you are in th

The Finer Points of Medicare Eligibility

Medicare is a government-run health insurance program that offers assistance with payment for hospital care (part A) and medical care (part B). Prescription drug coverage is also available through part D. Eligibility for medicare is based on disability or age.

The first criteria for medicare eligibility is that the applicant needs to be a citizen of the US, and they must have worked at least ten years for a job that paid into the Medicare system. This information should be readily available on your paycheck.

Eligibility extends to your spouse, meaning that if you are married to somebody who has worked for more than ten years, the eligibility extends to you as well. Additionally, you must be aged either 65, or you must have been diagnosed with a permanent disability or kidney failure.

Again, the two requirements for eligibility are that you paid into the Medicare system for at least ten years as a US citizen, and you are over 65 or have been diagnosed with a disability.

Medicare part A is the hospital insurance portion of medicare. Most people can receive part A coverage when they reach age 65. This benefit is offered without any monthly premiums being necessary. The general guidelines state that anybody who is eligible for social security is eligible for medicare part A. Some government jobs also provide medicare coverage.

Individuals under the age of 65 who have been receiving social security benefits for disability longer than 24 months are also eligible. Individuals who are going for dialysis are also covered.

Those who are eligible for part A are also eligible for part B. This is insurance that is used to cover the costs of doctor care, outpatient care, and other medical care that is not related to hospital care. Unlike part A, however, part B is not free. There is a monthly premium necessary. As of 2011, the premiums cost $96.40. For every year that part B is available but you choose not to enroll, your premium can be raised by 10%.

As with part B, anybody who is eligible for part A is also eligible for part D. Part D is used to help an individual pay for prescription drugs. Like part B, you will have to pay a premium to sign up for this plan, but unlike part B, you the plan is only provided by private health insurance companies. In addition to these plans, there are medicare supplemental insurance plans that offer additional coverage.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   What Is Supplemental Security Insurance?   

Medicare Supplement Insurance: A Right of Passage?

Rights of passage - you got your drivers license, became old enough to drink, got married, had children, hit 40, then 50 and became eligible for United of Omaha, retired, and now you're 65 and are eligible for Medicare. Embrace it and the challenges that come with it. Shopping for a Medicare supplement plan is one of those challenges - but it's really not that difficult.

If you're over the age of 65 and do not have a retiree medical plan through a former employer or union or a government retiree plan and are not on Medicaid for medical coverage then you've likely had the pleasure of researching your options.

It's especially difficult if you're looking into this insurance when you're first turning 65. If you've already gone through this you'll know what I mean when I say your mailbox becomes cluttered with the marketing materials from all of the various providers of Medicare supplement providers and all of the educational material from Social Security and Medicare. You'll get brochures and outlines of coverage and applications and scores of "Choosing a Medigap Policy" Guides (Medigap is another term for this insurance) and Medicare and You and notices and requests to send your information back on a card.

Maybe even worse are the phone calls and the unexpected visitors at the door all wanting to help you understand why their plans are best.

It is one of the worst forms of information overload you'll ever experience. You'll have a stack of Medicare and Medicare supplement guides 1 foot tall. They start about 6 months before your 65th birthday and just keep coming until several months after. Even after the age of 65 you'll be bombarded towards the end of every year with offers from different companies. Many of them seem a little too good to be true - and they usually are.

To make things even a little more frustrating is that you have to forget everything you've ever known about health insurance prior to the age of 65.

You see, this insurance policies does not have doctor's networks. They are not PPO's or HMO's. When you get a Medicare supplement you don't have to worry about your doctor taking, or even preferring, one Medicare supplement companies plan over another's. Your network is the Medicare network and the doctor's office files medical claims with them - not with the Medicare supplement insurance company. Once Medicare approves the claim they will notify your Medicare Supplement Insurance provider that they have to pay their part. So, the Medicare supplement insurance company can't make a decision if they want to pay a claim or not. If Medicare approves they have to pay their part. If Medicare does not approve the insurance company doesn't pay anything either.

Also, the plans are standardized groups of benefits classified into plan letters. So, you might end up buying a plan F or a plan G or C. Regardless of which plan letter you go with it will work identically without regards to which company you get it from.

So, when you're shopping for your coverage don't fret. Choose your plan, shop rates, and buy.

What Benefits Does Your Local Medicare Supplement Company Offer?   Medicare Supplemental Insurance - How to Choose an Advisor?   How To Apply For Medicare Supplemental Insurance And Get The Best Rates   Help With Your Medicare Supplement Choices   

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